Update 3.1: Awesome! This version finally allows you to turn off the screen while continuing to listen to the metronom. Saves you a lot of your battery. Thanks a lot Seishu! I find this a bit expensive but since you now can use it with the screen turned off I think its the best metronome you can get for the iPhone atm.
Original Review:
Although I applaud the recent updates (v 2.0. & 3.0) and the great improvements that came with them my main hang-up still isnt fixed. What has been bothering me since the first version, is the fact, that the display cant be turned off, while the metronom is running. That means your battery will run dry quite fast. Please fix this! Cant be too hard: Similar Apps (Tempo 1, Tempo 2 e.g.) already implemented this functionality. And could you please make the Tempo Up/Down buttons more responsive? Sometimes not very responsive. And add the functionality to move up/down the Tempo in steps of 10 for faster Tempo changing.
- pendular-metronom (3.0) (this is extremely helpful and I use it to practice with sound turned off, try it and check your timing!)
- Setlist-feature
- Landscape-mode included (3.0)
- add possibility to turn of screen
- Tempo up/down in Steps of 10
- increase the size of the responsible area for the tempo up/down buttons, to make them more responsive (only for the normal view, landscape is fine of course)
Besides that: Keep up the great work.
JackPackTack about Dr.Betotte Metronome